It all started with the IB...
For those who haven't heard of IB; it stands for the International Baccalaureate Program that breeds the army of very 'unique' students. To be exact, the students, who have no sense of pain and look for opportunities everywhere to get Creative, Active and do Service:) This is the philosophy behind the original IB subject-CAS...Ok, ok, enough...I'm not going to talk IB'ish
During holiday-time, being typical IB'ers-Aili and Aliya came up with the creative project-making the pompom wreath...well, as you guessed, it was for CAS:) This awesome project inspired us to build the blog Not a Zebra!!!
'Not a Zebra' was born on 11.01.2010. Since its first breath, it undertook the mission of creativity and inspiration! The 'Not a Zebra' team looks at the world from the 'not a zebra' perspective-we see more positive and colourful stripes than black & white and WE ARE HERE to share our optimism...
Our intention is to inspire you, who read this blog, to open your creative mind, having fun and learning at once! (sorry, I just can't get rid of my IB'ish way of talking)
Are you ready?
Get inspired and create with 'Not a Zebra'!!!
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