recently journey to the Brisbane art gallery G.O.M.A saw this work, and instantly loved it here are links to the interview of Gonkar about his work
Gonkar Gyatso
he uses stickers line and form to express the commerializing of tibet. it is really cool work because of the mixture of mostly stickers, newspaper cuttings and pencil sketchs the images range from sailormoon to words to porn to images of himself. if you are in brisbane i highly recomend it.
Our blog is designed to create & share, to inspire & get inspired, and last but not least, to help the IB'ers & get CAS hours:))
Origin of our name: Well, a zebra if u haven't seen one is white & black: we are not black and white (i.e. we don't think in black & white terms)...We r in-between but not grey; we r papaya whip, violet, lavender, canary yellow, cornflower blue, electric lime etc. Therefore, we r NOT a Zebra!!!
This blog is filled with everything creative: art, music, craft, cooking and lots more quirky things that will get you through the though times of boredom.
We r the IB inspired blog that brings you straight from the darkest depths of IB to fun life and inspiration.
Just adding: and yes, we do have a social life...
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