Jun 8, 2010

Physics Help Sheet and Brodies

So hey guys, I'm sure you're all preaty stressed now even the yr 11 IBs and I just wanted to let you in on a really good physics site which shows you how to write up all your pracs in the three assesment areas:
The other thing I wanted to let you know about is Brodies book and stationary store. For all year 11s who are interest this store sells the study guide for IB maths study guide. You can wait until next year to get it but it's there if you want it now. For everyone elsevit also sells study guides for HSC maths which is very close to IB and if you're a more of a language person these books are really useful, they explain things simply in a two page summary with, wait for it, actualy intelligible words! They also contain some of the physics course including projecile motion and SHM. If you're interested I suggest you go to the Brodies site: to find your nearest store. Oh, and they also have yummy smelling scratch and sniff stickers and stickers in spanish to inspire the child within. :)