Feb 20, 2010

How to Build a Blog

Would you like to have an online diary? Do you have something that you are burning to share with the rest of the world? Are u a desparate IB student, and needs good CAS hours? Do you want your ideas/thoughts to be heard in the world?

If your answer is YES, building a blog might be the best choice for you. However, you don't know how to do it...No Problem At ALL!!!

Not a Zebra is here to help:) Just follow the instructions/steps below:

Step 1: Choose your ideas for CAS points:
ok so you cant just make a blog for CAS, you need a purpose. Whatever the blog is about make sure you have talked it over with your CAS teacher to ensure you are ticking the right boxes. ideas to incorporate CAS is to make instructions (like this one) to inform another student on a creative aspect you are good at , you could have information on helping other student (like a blog that directs students to websites with vital IB study material.), you could make profile pages to promote other students skills (we have done a art portfolio, showing our IB arts students there art works) the ideas are endless, just look around our pages and explore the endless ideas you can do to get your IB CAS hours Finished!!!!!

Step 2: Brainstormining:
Plan your blog. Try to answer four crucial questions:
1. What is the subject of your blog?
2. Do you want to have your viewers comment back?
3. Do you want people to link your individual pages or just your overall blog?
4. Are you going to be able to keep your blog up to date?

Step 3: Go to :
Click on the Create a Blog Now button. After creating your account and setting up a username with a password, accept the Terms of Service.

Step 4: Setup Your Blog:
In the Blog title space, name your blog. Select a template.

Step 5: Create Your First Post:
You can create new postings in the Blogger Dashboard in the Posting section. Enter a title for your first posting and some text in the Edit area. For your first post, add some text as a greeting and whatever content you want to start your blog. You can format your text as well.

Step 6: Set Your Blogging Options:
Click to the button Yes for setting Allow New Comments on This Post, if you want your viewers to add comments. Also, set time and date for the posting if you would like.

Step 7: Publish Your Post:
Click on the Publish Post button and view your blog.

Step 8: Checking Your Blog:
Click on One of the Blogs of Note in your Dashboard and select one. You will have a different set of blogs to choose from. Next, look for a mission statement. Does your blog have the info of explaining what it is for? Later on, check whether the site is hosted at

Step 9: Set Your Blogger Profile:
Log in to your blog and go to the Dashboard. Click on the edit profile link on the Dashboard. Configure the privacy settings. Add your name and photo to our profile. Save your profile.

Step 10: Configure Your E-mail Options:
By means of Blogsend Address, you can back-up your blog-sent to your e-mail address. Using Mail-to-Blogger Address, which will be, you can use your e-mail program to post your blog. Enter your email in the BlogSend Address and create a name for the Mail-to-Blogger Address.

Step 11: Send Invitation to Join Your Blog:
This is optional; you can add member(s) to your blog, if you want to. To do that, click on Members in the Settings tab, and then click on the Add Team Member(s) button. Each person you add will get an email with a link to click on to join the blog.

Notice that u don't pay anything at all!

Also, these are the steps that Not a Zebra followed and as u are aware succeed. How did we know all these? Well, as typical IB'ers, we went to the library! Never underestimate the library; library had the most useful book ever that made our blogging dream come true. For those who are wondering, the book is called Creating Web Pages All In One. We are thankful to the authors Preston Gralla & Matt Brown for it...

Anyway...Hopefully, these instructions will be useful for you:)))

In case u have any questions/suggestions/problems, feel free to comment or write to our e-mail address