Feb 28, 2010

Music Video- Inspirational People

Ciao my lovelies,

Whilst (not) doing my Biology Assessment, I happened across the music video to Nickelback's song 'If Everyone Cared'. What really drew me to it was the little message from the record company:
"If Everyone Cared" explores the idea of everyone joining together to make the world better. All streams of this video generate money, 100% of which go to Amnesty International and International Children's Fund Canada. Help out these worthy causes by sharing and embedding this video anywhere and everywhere."
What a fabulous idea!
Also, the video tells the stories of people who have made a difference, such as Bob Geldof (started Liveaid to raise money for Africa's famine epidemic), Betty Williams (led peace marches in Ireland in the 1970s), Peter Benenson (started Amnesty International) and Nelson Mandela (ended the racist apartheid regime in South Africa).
Please watch, and be inspired to make a difference!

Feb 27, 2010

History and Movies can Combine!!!

Hey Guys,

This is something for all you history people out there who are sick of boring old history notes. This is an analysis of Caberet. This movie/ play is full of fantastic songs and has a great story line but it is also a very useful way of considering the issues and attitudes prevalent in pre-hitlarian Germany. This post is and analysis of some of the songs from the 70s movie and the social issues they touch on. I hope it also, in some cases makes you smile. :) I'm not sure if you guys will like it but we'll see. Oh, and I don't own Caberet at all.

This songs is the opening song from Caberet. It introduces the idea of the underground scene that appeared post WWI. A new sub-culture developed, especially in Berlin, amoung the dissolusioned masses returned from war wishing to actually 'live' life before they died. The flapper, gay communities, caberet and strip clubs emerged much to the dismay of members of the older generation and conservative members of the community. They saw this as a demoralisation of the young and sought to remove it. Hitler offered this, he would destroy the underground caberet clubs and reassert 'morality' in German society.

More to come......

Feb 26, 2010


Just because they're funny... this clever artist (on Deviantart) has come up with the ingenious idea of drawing faces on eggs XD *so cool*

I think it started out as a practical joke, so if you want ideas for April Fool's Day, look no further :)...

Note: yeah... not quite as awesome but there is also a brand of eggs that mark their eggs with faces to show they are free range... cute and funny though :)

Feb 20, 2010

D.I.Y Step-by-step Guide of crocheting for Beginners

Hey, guys!!!

The series of 'an easy-to-follow guide' for beginners continues to share the explanatory videos!!!
Sorry about the delay (u know the IB stuff)...However, we hope that you'll find mercy in your heart to forgive us, once you've watched the following video:))

If you love crocheting but never got chance to learn it, after watching this video you'll be able to say ''YES, I CAN!...please enjoy!

Here is the video:

How to Build a Blog

Would you like to have an online diary? Do you have something that you are burning to share with the rest of the world? Are u a desparate IB student, and needs good CAS hours? Do you want your ideas/thoughts to be heard in the world?

If your answer is YES, building a blog might be the best choice for you. However, you don't know how to do it...No Problem At ALL!!!

Not a Zebra is here to help:) Just follow the instructions/steps below:

Step 1: Choose your ideas for CAS points:
ok so you cant just make a blog for CAS, you need a purpose. Whatever the blog is about make sure you have talked it over with your CAS teacher to ensure you are ticking the right boxes. ideas to incorporate CAS is to make instructions (like this one) to inform another student on a creative aspect you are good at , you could have information on helping other student (like a blog that directs students to websites with vital IB study material.), you could make profile pages to promote other students skills (we have done a art portfolio, showing our IB arts students there art works) the ideas are endless, just look around our pages and explore the endless ideas you can do to get your IB CAS hours Finished!!!!!

Step 2: Brainstormining:
Plan your blog. Try to answer four crucial questions:
1. What is the subject of your blog?
2. Do you want to have your viewers comment back?
3. Do you want people to link your individual pages or just your overall blog?
4. Are you going to be able to keep your blog up to date?

Step 3: Go to :
Click on the Create a Blog Now button. After creating your account and setting up a username with a password, accept the Terms of Service.

Step 4: Setup Your Blog:
In the Blog title space, name your blog. Select a template.

Step 5: Create Your First Post:
You can create new postings in the Blogger Dashboard in the Posting section. Enter a title for your first posting and some text in the Edit area. For your first post, add some text as a greeting and whatever content you want to start your blog. You can format your text as well.

Step 6: Set Your Blogging Options:
Click to the button Yes for setting Allow New Comments on This Post, if you want your viewers to add comments. Also, set time and date for the posting if you would like.

Step 7: Publish Your Post:
Click on the Publish Post button and view your blog.

Step 8: Checking Your Blog:
Click on One of the Blogs of Note in your Dashboard and select one. You will have a different set of blogs to choose from. Next, look for a mission statement. Does your blog have the info of explaining what it is for? Later on, check whether the site is hosted at

Step 9: Set Your Blogger Profile:
Log in to your blog and go to the Dashboard. Click on the edit profile link on the Dashboard. Configure the privacy settings. Add your name and photo to our profile. Save your profile.

Step 10: Configure Your E-mail Options:
By means of Blogsend Address, you can back-up your blog-sent to your e-mail address. Using Mail-to-Blogger Address, which will be, you can use your e-mail program to post your blog. Enter your email in the BlogSend Address and create a name for the Mail-to-Blogger Address.

Step 11: Send Invitation to Join Your Blog:
This is optional; you can add member(s) to your blog, if you want to. To do that, click on Members in the Settings tab, and then click on the Add Team Member(s) button. Each person you add will get an email with a link to click on to join the blog.

Notice that u don't pay anything at all!

Also, these are the steps that Not a Zebra followed and as u are aware succeed. How did we know all these? Well, as typical IB'ers, we went to the library! Never underestimate the library; library had the most useful book ever that made our blogging dream come true. For those who are wondering, the book is called Creating Web Pages All In One. We are thankful to the authors Preston Gralla & Matt Brown for it...

Anyway...Hopefully, these instructions will be useful for you:)))

In case u have any questions/suggestions/problems, feel free to comment or write to our e-mail address


ok what you have just seen is the extended version of the theme song from SBS's Finnish murder mystery series Ørnen or The eagle (in English).

basic rundown of the show:

is an Icelandic inspector named hallgrim he works in the Danish police force,  and is named chief constable of a new task force to help solve international crime. throughout solving crimes of abduction, terrorism, organ and human trafficking, hallgrim has to come with terms of him self and the reasons for leaving iceland ini the first place.

Like all SBS shows these series in the native language with English subtitles. and displayed all the variety of languages in Europe. Best being the swedish (i understand it), finnish (just because they sound like they are speaking swedish backwards) and icelantic (most beautiful language i have ever heard). though the eagle is not for the faint hearted because like SVU is also deals with horrific murder and sex crimes, and like most Scandinavian shows the victims don't survive. BUT apart from that small downside The eagle is a fresh and captivating series.

dot points on the video if you just didn't get it

  • ok well it starts with him as a boy exploring Iceland (his home)

  • mother runs away 

  • he is at a cemetery (its not the mother's)
  • he is growing up, and still thinks about his mother
  • he falls in love with a girl, Isbjørg, 
  • he sees her with her father
  • then runs away to from iceland leaving her behind
  • he later grown up regrets leaving her behind and has visions about her.

personally i really love the softness of the song (very movie/disney song/epic song), it very melancholy as it tells of the main characters live his acts and experiences that change and form his life and being now. i love how like my theme for ART, people change by experiences.

Feb 12, 2010

10 things that not a zebra needs to survive school!

1. study music mix-tapes:

  I heart Hiroshima

Fat  Boy  Slim

massive attack

2. fake reading glasses

3.  recycled/Eco- friendly stationary

  the pencils are made from disgarded twigs from the production of furniture. the note books are made from recycled plastic bags and bottles.

4. lavender flavoured pearl milk tea.

YUMM xox

5. State library membership

not only does this place have tonnes of books but it has aircon, and internet!!!!

> log into this site to start getting your library cards working!!

6. una PARTY dress

i like to think of it as something to aspire to that you will wear non stop after finishing IB !! ooh and we all know ibers are rebels at heart.

7. Yummy Choc Cake!!!!

How to cope with stress though? well, GET FRIENDLY with a chocolate cake:)) but NOT SO friendly;) It is also awesome 4 celebrations!!! > click on our many cooking recipes !!
8. Oh Lovely Internet, how can we live without you?

The internet is not a must for survival from the Not a Zebra perspective but who would diagree that it is EXTREMELY important?>> oh and internet is good for a quick visit to LOLCATS.

9. Friendship
Sometimes we are so different but there is love-friendship that keeps us together and helps to survive the school...

10. Creativity
Yes, creativity!!! One needs it everywhere and especially, at school, even if it is a 10 min finger paint we need it, it releases all the negative tension that is bound to come from ib!!! Believe me, studying requires it!!! Essential for survival so try to open your creative mind and never close it:)

Tips on TOK Presentations

Hi, everyone!!!

Sorry this post will probably just interest people, who are suffering from the IB pain. (not really...I should say people, who are enjoying the best period of their life's - the IB stage:) btw I do believe in  that)

OK...If you haven't done your TOK presentation yet, these tips hopefully will be so helpful 4 you!!! I have recently discovered the lovely site and saw the awesome post about the tips and would like to share it with you guys....:))) Btw I just shortened the actual text, which was sent by Linda (I dunno who she is but I greatly appreciate her post and acknowledge her, as well as the other editors of this site of this website)...

"These tips were written by Nick Alchin, a ToK and mathematics teacher at Sevenoaks School, Sevenoaks, Kent, UK. He has also written an excellent ToK text book for IB students and a teacher's book."

1. Read  the assessment criteria. You should focus on knowledge issues and choose a contemporary issue.

2. Choose a concrete topic that interests you and find the TOK in it. Try to find a topic that you will really enjoy talking about and that means something to you personally. Some of the most effective presentations start with an everyday story and go on to draw out the TOK aspects.
3. Explore an issue; this means that you should present different points of view, even if they contradict each other and even if you disagree with them. Give your own opinion; you can point out that there are problems with your opinion, but be honest and say what you really think!
4. Try to cover the facts quickly and get on to the abstract TOK principles. There are no marks for dissemination of information! The focus of the presentation must be analysis, not description.

5. Think about the implications of TOK principles and use them to reflect on the validity of the principles.

6. Your communication on the structure of your presentation should be clearly stated and easy to follow by the audience. Having one or two overheads with the main points in bullet form (using a large font for clarity) can keep both you and your audience on track.
7. State clearly the problems of knowledge that you are looking at. This will help you retain clarity and make it easier for an examiner to give you high marks in criterion A (Knowledge Issues). If you use an overhead, list the problems there.
8. If appropriate use a film clip, slides, photos, newspaper cutting or any other prop. Your presentation will probably be far more interesting if you can use something other than your voice! But make sure that the props serve a specific purpose, and that they don't replace the analysis that will earn you high marks in criterion B (Quality of Analysis).
9. In your conclusion try to summarize (briefly--only a few sentences) what you have said, and try to end with a forward-looking view. This might be a summary of the main principles you have identified or some issues which have arisen and which have not been answered. Do not just repeat your arguments. The end should "feel" like a conclusion and not like "well, that's it."
10. Use examples of real life situations! This will show your understanding of the knowledge issues, implications of the ToK principles and in overall, the whole context of ToK.

Ok Good luck with your ToK presentation!

Hopefully, these tips will be handy 4 u!!!

If you've got something to add, pls feel free to comment or e-mail us on

This granny is a total INSPIRATION

Hi, folks!!!

I'd like to share an inspirational story of the 95 year old blogger María Amelia López Soliño.  She was the oldest blogger in the world!!!!

Her internet story has started with the following message in Spanish:
"hoy cumplo 95 años. Me llamo María Amelia y nací en Muxía (A Coruña) el 23 de Diciembre de 1911. Hoy es mi cumpleaños y mi nieto como es muy cutre me regalo un blog. Espero poder escribir mucho y contaros las vivencias de una señora de mi edad."
And followed by the translation in English:
"today I am 95 years old. My name is Amelia and I was born in Muxía (A Coruña - Spain) on December the 23rd of 1911. Today it's my birthday and my grandson, who is very stingy, gave me a blog."

To read the rest of her story, pls check her website:

You might want to read one of the numerous articles about her. Here is the link:

She might pass away but she didn't stop inspiring us:)))

 Rest in peace, Señora Soliño, your "blogueriños" (as she used to call her bloggers friends) - the Not a Zebra Team are online!!!

Around the World in Four Minutes

So now that school has properly begun again, a lot of us can feel the pressure of Grade 12 creeping amongst us. The cure to this 'sen10ristis'?

Take a quick vacation of course !

But then again, seeing how we're IB, everyday counts so to risk missing one day of school work? No way. But taking a holiday still isn't that impossible...Here's my proposal -

You will feel like you are on a holiday when watching this video, you will feel like you've been all over the world in just a matter of time ! Andd ! It will lift your spirits, allowing you to be re-energized to get back to work.

So take a quick break to procrastinate and watch Matt travel all around the world, spreading his dance :) follow link to see :)

Feb 11, 2010

Strawberry Swing- aMaZiNg

This is my first post as part of the Not-A-Zebra team- yay! ^_^ So anyways, I’ve decided to share a link to what is (I think) The Most Fabulously Awesome Video of Creative Excellence Ever In The History Of The Universe- the music video to Coldplay’s Strawberry Swing! Due to some daft copyright thing, I can’t put the video here, but follow this link:

And enjoy!

Vive la créativité!

Aimee xox

Feb 10, 2010

WARNING: watching this may cause you to want cake

Ciao my lovelies,

I have another video to share, yet again in awesome stop- frame animation :)
I'm afraid I don't know who made this video, but whoever did deserves a medal and/or a dancing cake of their own, because it is brilliant!


Feb 5, 2010

Story Told Through Sand

This is just AMAZING ! You will know what I'm talking about once you experience this jaw-dropping 10 minute footage...

History students may understand this more than others as it reflects the History of Russia, you know what I'm talking about. I do Geography so don't blame me if I'm off :P

This was on Ukrain's Got Talent and she made it through to the finals :)


Credits to Sebastian for finding it too !